Sunday, 16 May 2010
Rapper Anerae Brown aka "X-Raided" received multiple stab wounds at an attack at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga CA, at number of inmates at are facing charges of attempted murder charges for. stated that, the prison incident report says that "X-Raided" was stabbed and sliced seven times in a prison yard bust up. The incident escalated into racially motivated a riot between black and Mexican inmates.
One report stated that he was attacked near the basketball court by inmates identified as "known Northern Rider affiliates," former members of Northern Mexican prison gang XIV.
Brown is recovering in hospital, where it was discovered that the attack was carried out with a State-issued toothbrush with eight razor blades melted into it. Brown was found to be the victim, therefore will face no charges.
"They wanted him to produce and release their rap album," said Brown's lawyer, the attack was carried out by two inmates who are serving life without the possibility of parole. When Brown who oversees his Bloc Star Entertainment label, refused, then the plan to attack was hatched.
Currently, Brown is in solitary confinement awaiting transfer.
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